Neural Jump SDEs (Jump Diffusions) and Neural PDEs

This is just an exploration of some new neural models I decided to jot down for safe keeping. DiffEqFlux.jl gives you the differentiable programming tools to allow you to use any DifferentialEquations.jl problem type (DEProblem) mixed with neural networks. We demonstrated this before, not just with neural ordinary differential equations, but also with things like neural stochastic differential equations and neural delay differential equations.

At the time we made DiffEqFlux, we were the “first to the gate” for many of these differential equations types and left it as an open question for people to find a use for these tools. And judging by the Arxiv papers that went out days after NeurIPS submissions were due, it looks like people now have justified some machine learning use cases for them. There were two separate papers on neural … READ MORE

What Exactly is Brownian Motion and Why Does it Matter?

When you talk about randomness, stochastics, and noise, everything always seems to be going back to “Brownian motion” and “white noise”. But what exactly are these things?

The problem is that if you ask someone who researches the subject, you most likely get many different definitions at the same time. The reason is because, although there are many equivalent definitions (and terms), every single one only seems to be a small part of the intuition of what this thing actually is. So I am going to state without proof equivalent formulations of B(t), which is the same as Bt, which is the same as WtREAD MORE