Accurate and Efficient Physics-Informed Learning Through Differentiable Simulation (ASA Seminar Talk)

July 14 2022 in Uncategorized | Tags: | Author: Christopher Rackauckas

Abstract: Scientific machine learning (SciML) methods allow for the automatic discovery of mechanistic models by infusing neural network training into the simulation process. In this talk we will start by showcasing some of the ways that SciML is being used, from discovery of extrapolatory epidemic models to nonlinear mixed effects models in pharmacology. From there, we will discuss some of the increasingly advanced computational techniques behind the training process, focusing on the numerical issues involved in handling differentiation of highly stiff and chaotic systems. The viewers will leave with an understanding of how compiler techniques are being infused into the simulation stack to increasingly automate the process of developing mechanistic models

Bio: Dr. Chris Rackauckas is the Director of Scientific Research at Pumas-AI, the Director of Modeling … READ MORE

Keynote: New Horizons in Modeling and Simulation with Julia (Modelica Conference 2021)

June 25 2022 in Uncategorized | Tags: | Author: Christopher Rackauckas

Keynote Address: New Horizons in Modeling and Simulation in Julia

Presenters: Viral Shah (Julia Computing, CEO and Co-Founder), Chris Rackauckas (Julia Computing, Director of Modeling and Simulation and Christopher Laughman (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Principal Member Research Staff)

Abstract: As modeling has become more ubiquitous, our models keep growing. The time to build models, verify their behavior, and simulate them is increasing exponentially as we seek more precise predictions. How will our tools change to accommodate the future? Julia’s language design has led to new opportunities. The combination of multiple dispatch, staged compilation, and Julia’s composable libraries have made it possible to build a next generation symbolic-numeric framework. Julia’s abstract interpretation framework enables capabilities such as automatic differentiation, automatic surrogate generation, symbolic tracing, uncertainty propagation, and automatic parallelism. … READ MORE

Composing Modeling and Simulation with Julia (2021 Modelica Conference)

In this paper we introduce JuliaSim, a high-performance programming environment designed to blend traditional modeling and simulation with machine learning. JuliaSim can build accelerated surrogates from component-based models, such as those conforming to the FMI standard, using continuous-time echo state networks (CTESN). The foundation of this environment, ModelingToolkit.jl, is an acausal modeling language which can compose the trained surrogates as components within its staged compilation process. As a complementary factor we present the JuliaSim model library, a standard library with differential-algebraic equations and pre-trained surrogates, which can be composed using the modeling system for design, optimization, and control. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the surrogate-accelerated modeling and simulation approach on HVAC dynamics by showing that the CTESN surrogates accurately capture the dynamics of a HVAC … READ MORE

Engineering Trade-Offs in Automatic Differentiation: from TensorFlow and PyTorch to Jax and Julia

To understand the differences between automatic differentiation libraries, let’s talk about the engineering trade-offs that were made. I would personally say that none of these libraries are “better” than another, they simply all make engineering trade-offs based on the domains and use cases they were aiming to satisfy. The easiest way to describe these trade-offs is to follow the evolution and see how each new library tweaked the trade-offs made of the previous.

Early TensorFlow used a graph building system, i.e. it required users to essentially define variables in a specific graph language separate from the host language. You had to define “TensorFlow variables” and “TensorFlow ops”, and the AD would then be performed on this static graph. Control flow constructs were limited to the constructs that could be represented statically. For example, an `ifelse` function statement is very different from … READ MORE

Improved ForwardDiff.jl Stacktraces With Package Tags

December 19 2021 in Uncategorized | Tags: | Author: Christopher Rackauckas

You may have seen some hilariously long stacktraces when using ForwardDiff. In the latest releases of OrdinaryDiffEq.jl we have fixed this, and the fix is rather safe. I want to take a second to describe some of the technical details so that others can copy this technique.

The reason for this is the tag parameter. The Dual number type is given by Dual{T,V,N} where V is an element type (usually Float64), N is a chunksize (some integer), and T is the tag. What the tag does is prevent perturbation confusion by erroring if two incompatible dual numbers try to interact. The key requirement for it to prevent perturbation confusion is for the type to be unique in the context of the user. For example, if the user is differentiating f, and then differentiating x->derivative(f,x), you want the tag to be … READ MORE

The Use and Practice of Scientific Machine Learning

November 18 2021 in Uncategorized | Tags: | Author: Christopher Rackauckas

The Use and Practice of Scientific Machine Learning

Scientific machine learning (SciML) methods allow for the automatic discovery of mechanistic models by infusing neural network training into the simulation process. In this talk we will start by showcasing some of the ways that SciML is being used, from discovery of extrapolatory epidemic models to nonlinear mixed effects models in pharmacology. From there, we will discuss some of the increasingly advanced computational techniques behind the training process, focusing on the numerical issues involved in handling differentiation of highly stiff and chaotic systems. The viewers will leave with an understanding of how compiler techniques are being infused into the simulation stack to increasingly automate the process of developing mechanistic models.

Benchmarks behind this talk can be found at READ MORE

When does the mean and variance define an SDE?

November 1 2021 in Uncategorized | Tags: | Author: Christopher Rackauckas

I recently saw a paper that made the following statement:

“Innes et al. [22] trained neural SDEs by backpropagating through the operations of the solver, however their training objective simply matched the first two moments of the training data, implying that it could not consistently estimate diffusion functions.”

However, given that the statement “could not consistently estimate diffusion functions” had no reference to it and no proof in the appendix, I was interested to figure out the mathematical foundation behind the claim. Furthermore, I know from the DiffEqFlux documentation example that there was at least one case where second order method of moments seems to estimate the diffusion function. So a question arose, when does the mean and variance define an SDE?

Of course, in 2021 a Twitter thread captures the full discussion. But I want to take a step back … READ MORE

Learning Epidemic Models That Extrapolate, AI4Pandemics

I think this talk was pretty good so I wanted to link it here!

Title: Learning Epidemic Models That Extrapolate

Speaker Chris Rackauckas,

Modern techniques of machine learning are uncanny in their ability to automatically learn predictive models directly from data. However, they do not tend to work beyond their original training dataset. Mechanistic models utilize characteristics of the problem to ensure accurate qualitative extrapolation but can lack in predictive power. How can we build techniques which integrate the best of both approaches? In this talk we will discuss the body of work around universal differential equations, a technique which mixes traditional differential equation modeling with machine learning for accurate extrapolation from small data. We will showcase how incorporating different variations of the technique, such … READ MORE

Useful Algorithms That Are Not Optimized By Jax, PyTorch, or Tensorflow

In some previous blog posts we described in details how one can generalize automatic differentiation to give automatically stability enhancements and all sorts of other niceties by incorporating graph transformations into code generation. However, one of the things which we didn’t go into too much is the limitation of these types of algorithms. This limitation is what we have termed “quasi-static” which is the property that an algorithm can be reinterpreted as some static algorithm. It turns out that for very fundamental reasons, this is the same limitation that some major machine learning frameworks impose on the code that they can fully optimize, such as Jax or Tensorflow. This led us to the question: are there algorithms which are not optimizable within this mindset, and why? The answer is now published at ICML 2021, so lets dig into … READ MORE

ModelingToolkit, Modelica, and Modia: The Composable Modeling Future in Julia

Let me take a bit of time here to write out a complete canonical answer to ModelingToolkit and how it relates to Modia and Modelica. This question comes up a lot: why does ModelingToolkit exist instead of building on tooling for Modelica compilers? I’ll start out by saying I am a huge fan of Martin and Hilding’s work and we work very closely with them on the direction of Julia-based tooling for modeling and simulation. ModelingToolkit, being a new system, has some flexibility in the design space it explores, and while we are following a different foundational philosophy, we have many of the same goals.

Composable Abstractions for Model Transformations

Everything in the SciML organization is built around a principle of confederated modular development: let other packages influence the capabilities of your own. This is highlighted in a … READ MORE