Julia iFEM1: Porting Mesh Generation
January 19 2016 in FEM, Julia, MATLAB, Programming | Tags: iFEM, julia, MATLAB, matplotlib, triangulation | Author: Christopher Rackauckas
My first project on the quest for a Julia finite element method is a simple homework problem. Just some background, this is for UC Irvine’s graduate Computational PDEs 226B course where in the first quarter we did all sorts of finite difference methods and now is our first foray into finite element methods. The purpose of the project is to grasp the data structure enough to use simple tools (i.e. mesh creation and plotting) to create a finite element solver for Poisson’s equation in 2D and check the performance differences. For those who haven’t programmed much this is a great learning exercise, but being a pretty standard exercise the MATLAB code took no time to writeup and so I started thinking: how does Julia compare to MATLAB for solving simple PDEs with the finite element method?
Testing this would take … READ MORE
WordPress Julia Syntax Highlighting
January 19 2016 in Julia | Tags: GeSHi, julia, wordpress | Author: Christopher Rackauckas
using Julia print("Test for Julia") A = [0 1 ; 0 1];
Syntax highlighting in Julia exists? Yes, you can make it work even though no plugins currently support it. The way I was able to get it to work was to use the WP-GeSHi-Highlight WordPress plugin which uses GeSHi to perform the syntax highlighting. Sure enough, an unofficial Julia syntax file for GeSHi is hosted on GitHub. I manually plopped this file into the GeSHi folder in my WordPress install, used the command lang=”julia” and you can see at the top of this page that it worked!